Saturday, July 23, 2011

Blast off

5-4-3-2-1-…we’re about ready to blast off for the 65th session of the American Legion Auxiliary Girls Nation event in Washington, DC. The girls arrive today and EVERYONE’S excited. As a member of the PR team again this year…I’m looking forward to helping capture all the awesome and special moments that are sure to occur. For sure…it’s amazing to be here as an American Legion Auxiliary volunteer and as an active member, I look forward to connecting with these brilliant young women who bring so much excitement and enthusiasm. Thanks to all the Departments for their commitment to the Girls State program and for participating in this flagship event. We will do our best to make this a fun, interesting and informative week for the 98 young women who are about to arrive. You know…we all do so much to help our veterans, military and their families that I can’t wait to continue the process of telling everyone about our awesome work. So everyone out there who’s reading this blog…talk about our mission…talk about our programs…talk about our amazing 90-year tradition. You know…at the end of the day …the only thing we really own is our story. Help us tell the story.

Trish Ward, Department of Kansas

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