Kay Oskvig
Junior Counselor
Greetings from Girls Nation!
As the junior counselor for the most fun community here at Girls Nation, I've really enjoyed working with my wonderful Senators, Senior Counselor Lynda, and the rest of the staff this week. On Sunday, I informed the girls that the week may seem slow at first (due to the busy schedule!!) but once Wednesday coces around, the time will fly bye...And it certainly has!
Today we all boarded the bus at 5:45 a.m. After a great breakfast on the bus, we took a tour of the White House and then headed to the Capitol Building to meet our Senators and Representatives. The girls were very excited to meet up with their Boys Nation counterparts, and enjoyed time exploring between appointments.
After sitting through a half hour in the Senate Gallery, fellow JC, Erin, and I were informed by security that we needed to "look more awake" or would need to leave. Sadly, we decided to leave... No makeup or water was allowed into the Capitol! :)
We were delighted to have a wonderful banquet - it was so fun to see the girls in their gorgeous dresses! - prior to heading to a short Senate session. The JCs have been busy counting votes: we've had to recount a few times!
Norma Tramm, GN Music Director, organized an astounding talent show, complete with original compositions, musical theatre, and several adorable skits. Great job, girls!
Sadly, our time is almost over here...but more importantly, its my bedtime! Perfect timing... 11:11, make a wish for a happy Friday!
Smiles from, Kay
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